Vice Chair
I enjoy being a member of the CCC family. The work that is being done is paying dividends to the community in the form of love, reduced violence, improved family relationships, and healthier lifestyles. The individuals who comprise the Board of Directors truly care about the City of Chester & its constituents. It’s nice being part of a positive experience and doing God’s work!
Eric Bayne earned a BS in finance/economics at Temple University, and worked for 20 years as a manager and financial advisor for TD Waterhouse, American Express, and Prudential.
He was Executive Director for the Tourism and Recreational Development Committee of the PA House of Representatives for 8 years, analyzing legislation and drafting bills and amendments, and promoting tourism in the Commonwealth of PA. He is currently Workforce Coordinator in the Department of Public Affairs for the City of Chester.
Eric is also a member of the Chester Rotary Club and a former member and past president of the Naaman’s Rotary Club in Wilmington, Delaware. He has been a member of Community Baptist Church since 1980